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A community of like-minded people who enjoy sharing their thoughts and opinions on all things
food-related: where to buy, how to cook, what to eat and everything in between.

If you’re reading this, there’s an excellent chance that cooking and eating is a big part of your life and lifestyle.

In fact, we know that at least 50% of online adults in South Africa, list cooking as one of their top 5 interests in life, and the same number say they like cooking for friends and family. So if your bookshelf has more cookbooks than novels, you're always on the lookout for a new recipe, you love finding new ingredients and your friends can’t wait for you to invite them around for dinner, you’re in the right place.

When you join the Foodie Panel, you will be entered into the R10 000 cash draw and you will have a chance to tell us all sorts of things about the way you approach cooking and eating: what brands you prefer and why, what style of cooking you enjoy most, where you shop, which TV shows inspire you most and so much more.

You’ll also be growing a community that will help us to cut through the clutter, provide valuable insights to inform the food industry and, ultimately, help the cream rise to your countertop!

PLUS Everyone who joins the Foodie Panel gets a voucher for 10% off any purchases at

Do The SA Foodie Survey

Do The SA Foodie Survey